the secret behind “check your inbox“
Behind “check your inbox“
Inbox for details is s common replay for merchants on social media, and here’s why :
1- facebook actively changes it’s policies including not mentioning prices directly for the fear of scam ..
Meaning facebook doesn’t have an actual validation for the product’s value, so it limit’s the merchant’s account eventually blocking it for advertising on it’s platform .. that’s why merchant’s find it safer to announce their prices in the “inbox” ..
2- More comments on the post means more engagement organically, more spread for the product .. directly answering, could be easier for the viewer, but it would decrease the spread of the product’s post ..
3- one to one contact with the customer, through personal messages allows more sale, convincing the customer with the product, which could be more difficult when publicly commenting ..
4- customer care is easier and more approachable if the merchant has the client messages privately
5- the privacy of the customers contacts for further customer’s care